Practice makes perfect!
I spent the past two weeks tickling the ivories in preparation for today's event. I was the pianist for a "Christmas in July" Tea Party. This is an annual fundraiser with a different theme each year. It's always a lovely event and draws many supporters from surrounding communities.
Needless to say, my practicing Christmas songs did not make it any cooler here in the Midwest. Temperatures were in the 90's. However, I'm ready for Christmas now! At least in terms of music (have music ready, will play).

Since my rotator cuff surgery in February, my practicing has been limited. Although I recently completed physical therapy, I've had to modify my practice habits as my arm was limited from surgery. My movement would not cooperate with my usual reach. However, practice makes perfect.
Webster defines practice as "doing repeated exercises for proficiency." Yes, that's what I did: practice, repeat, and repeat until I was proficient. The Apostle Paul prayed for the Colossians "to be strengthened with His glorious power, and provided with the endurance and patience they may need." (Colossians 1:11)
My heavenly father has given me the endurance and patience to get my hands and fingers up to speed. Praise the Lord, ALWAYS!
