Never lose your place again!

As a former music director, my choirs always struggled with not having enough book marks for their hymnals. So, I set out to solve the problem and this solution worked well for all of us.
To make ribbons for Bibles, hymnals, and books, follow these steps:
1. Select your ribbon colors (satin works well)
2. Cut the ribbon strings to your desirable length
3. Optional: tie a small knot at the end of the ribbon
4. Cut a piece of poster board to wrap around the ribbons-usually 3 x 3
or 3 x 4 works, depending on the size of the opening in the spine of the
book you are placing the bookmark in
5. Neatly arrange the ribbons closely together, keeping them straight
5. Glue the ribbons onto the poster board piece
6. Fold the poster piece over (in half or tri-fold)
7. It's optional to glue the poster board again for closure
