They're smarter than you think!
Driving home from church today, I realized that two Canadian geese had managed to stop traffic in the two southbound lanes. As I explored the situation, I quickly discovered the culprit- the Canadian geese. While four geese had parked across the two southbound lanes, four more had simultaneously halted traffic across the two northbound lanes. It was quite a risky endeavor for a fowl, but the mission was accomplished. The rest of the family of geese (8 additional) waited on the sidelines in the grass until notified. When all four lanes of traffic were stopped, the goose call was given, and all 16 geese safely crossed the road. What a spectacle!
I am fascinated each time this happens. Fortunately, I live in an area where residents regularly encounter similar situations. The geese rule!
Just a few fun facts about geese:
~ there are nine species
~ they mate for life; partners formed at 2-3 years old
~ the mother pulls feathers from her belly to construct her nest
~ goslings (baby geese) are born to feed and swim on their own
~ both parents care for the babies
~ life expectancy is 20-30 years
~ they fly in a V and take- turns leading so no single goose gets too tired
~ they communicate with honks, calls, and whistles.
"Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them."
Matthew 6:26
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